Written By:-Avinash Malhotra
Our Website:- Tech Altum
The Image Below Shows a basic box model:
Suppose we have a div as shown above containing an image,
Padding is used to give space inside,
Border is used to give particular Border,
Margin is used to give space outside.
Padding is used in css to give space inside element.
It is measured in pixels.
Margin is used to give space from outside.
It is also measured in Pixels.
Border: Border is used to give particular border to an element.
There are three basic type of borders:
- Border-style:
- Solid. Will give straight solid line
- Dashed Will give Dashed line.
- Dotted Will give dotted line.
- Double Will give double solid line.
Without border-style, border will not be visible.
If we use only border-style:solid,
The element will take a solid border of black color and 3px width.
The element will take a solid border of black color and 3px width.
2. Border-width:
A border can have any width. Commonly we use border width in pixel.
By Default, 3px is standard width of a border.
3. Border-color:
We can give any color to border by using border-color:
We can use any color by name, hexadecimal color code, or rgb color code.
By default, black is standard color for border.
We Can also give border to a particular direction; like
Shorthand Property For Border:
However we can use shorthand property for border; for example;
we want a solid border of 1 px and red color, we will following cose:
insread of using this long code, we can write;
border:1px solid red; all three will be include in 1 line.
Shorthand Property for Border, margin, padding:
When we use border, margin or padding, automatically all for directions grab it.
however we can customize any particular direction by using,
Border:solid; For all four directions with solid border.
Border:solid double; Top and bottom will be solid, left-right will be double.
Border:solid dashed double none; Top will be solid, right will be dashed, bottom will be double and left will be none
For Example, i am using only two border properties;
border-width:1px 2px 3px 4px;
we will get results as shown below;
Same shorthand properties we can use for margin and adding.
NOTE: Border, Margin and Padding will always occupy space, do remember to calculate the complete box-model before writing css.
border-width:1px 2px 3px 4px;
we will get results as shown below;
Same shorthand properties we can use for margin and adding.
NOTE: Border, Margin and Padding will always occupy space, do remember to calculate the complete box-model before writing css.
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